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Maybe the title has already suggested the reader a mystical approach of project management discipline, perhaps not few wondering if this thing is just possible. It’s not the case here! Read the article to find out more. I will not propose specific prayers to be included in the “tools and techniques” within the project management […]

(popular: Sa nu faci ce face popa, sa faci ce zice popa!) Acest articol nu-si doreste sa moralizeze in vreun fel comunitatea managerilor de proiect, sa arate derapajele de la legile morale si de etica profesionala, si finalmente sa insire exortatii de orientare spre ortodoxia profesionala. Acest lucru e specific doar predicatorilor religiosi, si nu […]

Initially, I’ve started from a Romanian title < “Scrum”-ul poate deveni scrum?> (en. Can “Scrum” become cinder?), wanting to make the title funny by playing with homonymous words, and trying to highlight the organizational challenges when something new is coming, like Agile method “Scrum”. Being difficult to address this issue in the space required, I’ve […]